Collaborative efficiency

Explore the potentials of PaaS cloud services.

Platform as a service (PaaS) is a category of cloud computing services. We here at, Dryft Dynamics provide a platform allowing our clients to develop, run, and manage web applications without the complexity of building and maintaining the infrastructure typically associated with developing and launching an app. The platform in PaaS is, in the most general sense, whatever pre-existing environment a piece of software is designed to run within, obeying its constraints, and making use of its facilities. Typical platforms include a hardware architecture, an operating system (OS), and runtime libraries. We deliver PaaS in two ways: as a public cloud service, where the client controls software deployment and configuration settings, and we handle the networks, servers, storage, and other services to host the client's application; or as software installed in private data centers or public infrastructure as a service and managed by internal IT departments. There are essentially two types of PaaS solutions: application delivery-only PaaS solutions and complete PaaS solutions.

Our process


Client meeting

Client meetings are held to obtain stakeholder requirements & to get the development team in sync with the client's requirements & specifications.



The development team develops SRS along with the stakeholder requirements along with the finance team develops the quotation meeting the client budget.



After SRS & Quotation are approved the Project is initialized & shall be delivered within the approved specified period mentioned in the quotation.

Analysis charts

Returning customers


Google Review Rating


Client Review Rating


Jharkhand Market share


What do you receive?

Apart from the software itself, one receives numerous features and support. A commercial product that comes with support will often win over customers who want that assurance that someone will be on the other end of the line should they need it. To fulfill such needs we have a dedicated team that offers 24x7 technical support.


Officially certified


Maximum security

Top technology

Built from scratch


Monthly updates

24x7 support

Dedicated support

Value for money

Fully guaranteed